Janak Sahu is from Harekrushnapur village, situated around 7 kms away from the VAL project site in Lanjigarh Block. The only bread earner of his family, consisting of his wife, a son aged 14 and himself, he makes a living from agriculture. He owns around 3.5 acres of land and used to practice single cropping i.e. paddy, during kharif season. The land lay fallow the rest of the year. His annual household income was less than Rs. 25,000/-.
After a thorough survey, groups of farmers from different villages were identified by Vedanta’s CSR department. A series of Training Sessions & Workshops were conducted. Janak Sahu was one of the farmers who showed keen interest in the sessions. He used modern and best agricultural techniques with quality seeds, organic fertilizers and other support provided by VAL.